Soma Night Experience

What's included in the Soma Night Experience?

If you choose to stay at the Soma exhibit at night, you’ll get to sleep in Carsten Holler’s uniquely designed elevator bed. In this king-sized bed, you can control the height and rotation of the bed, emulating the illusion of sleeping in a mushroom while being above all animals in the exhibit. The bed includes its own mini fridge and has soft cushions to sleep in your leisure. While ready to go to bed, all you need to do is to use the walkie talkie in order to contact the museum operator to turn off the lights. Even with the exhibit lights off, you are presented with beautiful yellow lights surrounding the atmosphere of the elevator bed.

These bags of liquids contain the center piece of the whole Soma operation, reindeer urine. This viable liquid is created by feeding the reindeer “fly agaric mushrooms” for them to remove the poisonous side effects after consumption. Which will result the reindeer urine to turn into a psychedelic formula an individual can use to see hallucination bliss. Legend has it, that drinking this special brew will grant you the ability of eternal life, and when you sleep at Soma, you can too. The reindeer urine will be available to you through our refrigerated samples, once you stay at Soma for the night.

For a fee of 1000 euros, you’ll have the privilege of staying at the Soma exabit, sleep in the one-off it’s kind elevator bed, and the choice of drinking cycadlike reindeer urine for you to speculate on its immortality effects. Remember, the chances of drinking the mushroom urine and regular urine are random as a coin toss, so proceed at your own risk. If you can’t buy a ticket, you are welcome to visit the exhibit or join a raffle for a chance to win a reservation.

Reservations from November 5th to February 6th of 2011.

Exhibit closed on December 24th due to Reindeer scheduling differences